Olly Junkyard | Work in Progress Projects

WIPs (Placeholder Page)

As I mentioned in the Blog page, both WIPs and Blog are getting a full makeover before any of the others.

I'd like to simplify these pages, especially the Blog, for the sake of keeping things readable and organised. Both pages will likely end up being very long, and I would like to have everything ordered with dropdown tabs so page content can be kept consise and compact until the individual items are expanded for more details / to show their full content. For WIPs, I'll have a project thumbnail, Title and then a short description, as well as maybe ordering them by recently updated if I can, and also having some metric of progress, whether that be number of comments added, number of edits to the project content, or an estimate progress bar for each one.

After saying it out loud (or, well, typing it), I think I might go with a combination of a few of those. The main reason for the full layout changes is because I want each page to feel more unique, and to make navigating the site feel more like exploring it. I like the clean and relatively modern navigation i have now, but I'd like to allow myself room to experiment too :]

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